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Thriving on empowering others, Sales Agent Allie Coutts has guided over 500 individuals to realise their aspirations and reach the destinations they longed for.
Having spent fourteen years overseas, Allie gained insights into the intricate dance of conversations and negotiations across diverse groups. It’s more than transactions for her; it’s about connecting with the unique ways people engage. Allie has honed the art of listening. Buyers share what they love about a property, and she weaves that into accepting the asking value. It’s not just about a house; it’s about making it home.
At the age of 14, Allie hung out with friends whose parents were real estate agents, living lives filled with joy and exciting stories. After two decades of teaching and corralling teens, she circled back to her 14-year-old dreams. Real estate, for Allie, is about navigating change with people. In times of stress, she holds space, being the container for vulnerability, stress, and relief. Guiding others with care and respect, contributing to their betterment—it’s the greatest privilege, and she loves it.
Joining the Atlas Brisbane team, Allie brings an empathetic, intuitive, and globally savvy approach. Beyond transactions, she is there to transform real estate journeys into positive, life-changing experiences. Connect with Allie Coutts—because it’s not just about homes; it’s about transitioning from one home to another with ease and grace.